“I Don’t See Colour.”

Dear White People,

I know you mean no harm. I know you mean well. But when you say that you “don’t see colour”, what it means for someone like me, a person of colour, is that you don’t see my heritage. What you’re saying is that you don’t see my culture, my past, my ancestors. When you say that, it feels like you’re saying that you don’t see me.

Now, I’m not speaking for all people of colour, I’m speaking for me. And for me, when you say you don’t see colour, it feels like you’re erasing my culture, my struggles, and my experience. Being different isn’t bad. I mean, how boring would the world be if we were all the same. See, diversity enriches cultures. Diversity enriches lives. So please don’t tell me that you “don’t see colour” because that’s not what I want. I want you to see that I’m not white, I want you to see that my skin is connected to my history.

Thank you.

Jehu Dagohoy


Please don’t tell me that you don’t see my colour because when you do, it feels like you’re erasing my history, my culture, and my past.


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